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At the very end of this post, Laurie shares 5 tips for getting the best onion harvest you can. Before that, the main part of the post contains a wealth of information about growing onions from seed.
She discusses:
- When to start onions from seed
- Step-by-step directions on starting onions from seed for northern gardeners
- Step-by-step directions oh how to transplant the onion seedlings
- How to plant and space the seedlings
- Instructions for gardeners in warmer climates
- Onion seeds vs onion sets
- Long day, short day and day neutral onions
- 5 major tips for growing onions from seed
It’s a very thorough, excellent article. Click on the 5 Tips for Growing Onions From Seed link below to see Laurie’s terrific post.
5 Tips for Growing Onions From Seed
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