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I LOVE this post by Kori of Mountain Rose Herbs. It’s all about dying eggs with different herbs, which is a great project for Easter. Kori has a Basic Egg Bath and Dye Recipe. Then she list 16 different herbs, teas and mushrooms that you can use to color your eggs. This would be a fun project to do with your kids.
I wish I had known more about herbs when I was a kid. Dying eggs for Easter was a part of our Easter tradition. We always used the commercial Paas Easter egg dyes for thier bright pastel colors.
But Mom also made a dye from yellow Spanish onions, white vinegar and water. After cooking raw eggs in the dye they came out in beautiful shades of red. She also wrapped onion skins around uncooked eggs.
Then she would wrap the covered eggs with cheesecloth so that the onion skin was tight against the egg shell. After boiling them in water and vinegar we had wonderful brown, patterned eggs. So coloring eggs brings back a lot of happy memories for me 🙂
Click the How to Dye Easter Eggs with Herbs link below to see the complete article.
How to Dye Easter Eggs with Herbs