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Kate of Modern Alternative Mama wanted to create an herbal remedy that would address many if the major symptoms of illness: congestion, stomach problems, sinus issues, inflammation, sore throats and coughing. These are symptoms we often see as we move into the Winter months.
Her remedy uses four dried herbs and two other ingredients. You combine the herbs to create a tincture, which takes around 6 weeks. So now is the time to make up a batch of this immune booster so you have it for winter illnesses. In a pinch you can make a tea out of the same herbs and drink that.
Kate shares the Immune Booster dosages she uses along with the other natural remedies she takes. Nice remedy! Click on the How to Make a Super Immune Booster Herbal Remedy link below to see the complete recipe.
How to Make a Super Immune Booster Herbal Remedy
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