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This article is PACKED with great information! Jerica of the Create, Sustain and Flow site first explains how to infuse honey with herbs. Since she recommends using raw honey, she does not suggest using a stove top infusion. Heat of any sort destroys the good properties of raw honey.
She then shares two different methods of infusing raw honey:
- A traditional way of infusing herbs or spices into honey that takes 4 to 6 weeks
- A faster method of adding herbs or spices to honey and using it more quickly
Jerica also includes a variety of different herbs and spices you can use in honey infusions.
One of the real gems in this article is a link to a Honey Locator. You just click on the state you live in and you’ll find links to all of the honey suppliers in your state. Finally, at the very end she shares a link to another Honey Remedy that is good to take when you start to feel sick. I think it would also be good to take as an immune booster when you’re healthy.
To see this terrific article, just click on the How to Make Herbal Infused Honey link below.