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I’ve recently become more interested in emergency preparedness. It’s partly because the weather in the Midwest has been more volatile lately. Tornadoes. Flooding. Extreme cold and snowfall. These are all weather events that can threaten lives, homes and access to basic necessities and services. So it seems smart to look into basic ways to be self-sufficient in an extended emergency.
Until fairly recently, I think the term “survivalist” conjured up an image of armed extremists living in the woods. Because of that image, a new group of “neo-survivalists” emerged, who focus on positive self-sufficiency in all sorts of living environments. If there’s a larger emergency, they want to be prepared.
My definition of emergency preparedness is: the possession of adequate planning, resources and skills to survive specific emergencies. I think of it as positive and practical survivalism. For example, if the electricity goes out for a week in the middle of a Midwestern blizzard, what do my family and I need to have on hand to survive?
In this article, Christy explains how she and her family survived for a week without electricity, after tornadoes hit her area in 2011. One of her key points is “…. Any (preparedness) plan has to be tailored to your specific family.” The key is to have a plan in place before the emergency occurs. Christy reviews a lot of the basic items needed to survive for a week or more without electricity or running water. She includes a lot of tips and also links to other useful products and resources. Christy also reveals the #1 most overlooked item to have on hand for an emergency.
She discusses:
- Water Storage (both drinking and “gray water” for flushing toilets, washing dishes etc)
- Food for a short-term emergency
- Cooking
- Food & supplies for pets
- Lights (short-term and long-term)
- Radios (Battery operated and Solar operated)
- Heat
- Medicine
- Transportation considerations
To read Christy’s complete article, click on the Practical Preparedness- Simple Steps You Can Take Today to Prepare your Family for Whatever May Come link below.