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This is a great list of 20 Springtime Uses For Vinegar by Denise of deniseinbloom. These are her favorite ways of using vinegar in her home. She also includes a great recipe for an All Purpose Citrus Vinegar Cleaner.
Here are a few of the uses for vinegar:
- Cleans wooden cutting boards. Works as a great substitute for baking soda, making the boards clean and free of germs.
- Preserves flowers. Love cut flowers in the home? Add two tablespoons of vinegar and sugar to the water to help the flowers last longer.
- Pet odor remover. After bathing your pet, mix one cup of vinegar to two gallons of water and pour over dog, or do this instead of bathing too.
- Insect repellent. Vinegar is a safe and effective insect repellent, chasing away ants and other insects once you wash the counter tops with a vinegar solution.
Click below to read all 20 uses for vinegar. There are some uses I’ve never heard before.